合同范本 jht868.com



Supplementary agreementIn order to guarantee the interests of the school and the foreign teacher and facilitate the smooth development of teaching and the foreign teacher’s safe and orderly life, we clarify our respective responsibility further and add additional terms listed as follows: Party a:Party b:1, the rented accommodation is only for the teacher. The foreignteacher shouldn’t allow others to live in the apartment in order to avoid accidents.2, during the work, the foreign teacher should have the civilized words and deeds and won’t develop any improper friendship or relationship (such as love, etc.) with students.3, the foreign teacher will bear the cost of utilities (such as water bill) and Internet flow fee (90yuan per month). The school is onlyresponsible for the accommodation expenses, not including other living expenses.As the foreign teacher first comes to Beijing, he is not familiar with a lot of things. To show humanistic care, the school has paid the power bill (600 yuan for 1200 degrees). By November 30, if the actualconsumption power number is more than 1200 degrees, the foreign teacher should pay the rest. If the foreign teacher continues to teach in CuiWei middle school, the school will bear the cost of 200 degrees per month, but the excess part is borne by the foreign teacher. The school has installed the broadband network and the foreignteacher should burden Internet flow fee (about 90 yuan ) every month. So the foreign teacher will pay 270 yuan for the cost of 3 months.4, the foreign teacher shall observe the school’s work system and regulations concerning administration of subject teachers such as job duties, classroom norms, work discipline, school group activities. Also, the foreign teacher shall complete the tasks agreed on schedule and guarantee the quality of work. At the same time, the school will also ensure his corresponding welfare.Party a: Party b:Signature: Signature:In September of 20xx补充协议范本合同编号:项目名称:合同名称:甲 方:乙 方:签订时间:签订地点:合同补充协议 河北达辉建筑工程有限公司 年 月日上述金额包括运输费、保险费、税金等一切费用;本合同单价为固定单价,最终按实际发生量结算。2、其他合同条款调整。 3、其它事项说明。三、本协议生效后,即成为《原协议》不可分割的组成部分,与《原协议》具有同等的法律效力。四、本协议与原合同发生冲突时以本协议为准。五、除本协议中明确所作修改的条款之外,原协议的其余部分应完全继续有效。本协议一式四份,甲方执三份,乙方一份,具有同等法律效力,自双方签字盖章之日起生效。以下无合同正文。甲方:乙方: 委托代理人:委托代理人: 代表人: 代表人: 开户行: 开户行: 账号: 账号: 电话: 电话:地址: 地址: 日期:日期:



关于延期交货的补充协议 (中英文)Supplement Agreement on Delayed Delivery 主合同编号(Contract NO): 买 方(Buyer):地 址(Add):电话(Tel): 传真(Fax):生产厂(Producer):地 址(Add):电话(Tel): 传真(Fax):020-32915578 为体现诚实信用的合同履行精神,防止延期交货的情况出现,双方协商一致,特制定如下条款:In order to reflect the spirit of good faith and for avoidance of any delay in delivery, both parties hereby agree as follows: 一、本协议是执行主合同的关于延期交货的特别约定,主合同编号为:。 This agreement shall constitute a special covenant for implementing the provisions of delayed delivery as set forth in the Master Contract(Contract No._______). 二、主合同约定的交货日期为: 年 月 日,运输方式为海运集装箱。 Delivery date provided in the Master Contract shall be _________, and transportation mode is marine container. 三、若生产厂无法按照上述交货期限的约定交货的,则买方有权要求改为空运方式运输,相应的空运费用约 美元(USD)从买方应当支付给生产厂的货款中扣除。(实际扣除金额以空运费单据为准) Where the Producer fails to deliver goods pursuant to the above delivery period, the Buyer has right to amend the original transportation mode to air transportation and corresponding air freight charge is around _______(USD) deductible from payments for goods made by the Buyer to the Producer. (actual deductible amount shall be subject to air freight receipts) 买 方(Buyer): 买方代表人:(签章)Representative: (Sgn & Samp) 生产厂(Producer):生产厂代表人:(签章)Representative: (Sgn & Samp) 签约时间: 年 月 日Date of Signing:(D-M-Y)注:本合同内容如有中英文翻译误差,以中文为准。Note: If this contract content has any error of translation, subject to Chinese.


一般来说对于合同的小修改,没有必要重新签订合同,重新签订都是费时费力,也没有必要,所以都用补充协议对原合同进行修改。如果对合同改变重大的话,比如对方想换个姊妹公司来签合同,或者合同条款有多处重大变更,可以说从根本上改变了合同的内容,都可以重新签订合同的。重新签订合同有两种方式。一种是交出所有原合同的原件,然后废除,撕毁都可以,然后再签订新合同;如果对合同原件到底有多少份不清楚的话,保险起见可以先起草一个对原合同的终止协议,然后再签新合同。当然如果为了做到天衣无缝,两个合同之间权责无缝转移的话,我自己使用过这种模式,不用撕毁原合同或者起草终止协议,先在新合同中写终止原合同,一般写新合同生效后原合同立即终止,在新合同未生效前原合同保持有效。然后在新合同上盖上三种章,第一种是原合同的对方的章,第二种是新合同的对方的章,第三种是我方的章,这样操作有个缺点是财务看见合同上有三个章,如果她们不看合同内容的话,有时候容易混淆合同内容。 言归正传,给大家分享一个我起草的比较简单的补充协议。 忘了给大家说了,之前跟一位做国际工程的朋友讨论补充协议和变更怎么翻译,我倾向于合同变更翻译为amendment, 补充协议翻译为addendum.不知道大家什麽意见?不过我自己一般都是不加区分的用amendment的。 EXPLOSIVES SALE AGREEMENTAmendment to the Contract Agreement Between The XXX COMPANY and MULTI BIZ FZE WHEREAS: The Explosives Sale Agreement with Contract No: XXX for the construction of XYZ Motorway Road Project has been signed on 11 March 2010 between XXX Company(hereinafter called "the Buyer") and the MULTI BIZ FZE(hereinafter called "the Seller"). 评注:先说我们什么什么时候签订了一个合同。 WHEREAS: The Buyer and the Seller have a meeting about the L/C and the Contract Agreement in the afternoon of 25 March 2010, the Seller suggested that the volume of the goods is excessive and deliver them in one time would be hard; the Seller further suggested that the transshipment would not affect the goods quality since the goods are loaded with containers in the whole shipping period, it is very normal for cargoes to be transshipped in international shipment. 评注:再说这个合同要修改,为什么原因修改,也可以把谈判的过程加上。 IT IS HEREBY AGREED as follows: 评注:双方都同意如下。 In order to ensure the smooth execution of the said Contract Agreement, it is agreed that the goods should be allow to transshipped and partial shipped; accordingly, delete the word "not" from second line, first paragraph of Clause 14 shipment of the Contract agreement (Contract No. CCCAAA-MBIZ-01-2010). The Seller further agreed that the goods would all be delivered within two shipments. 评注:上面就是要修改的内容了。 For any discrepancy between this amendment and any of the Contract Agreement, both parties agreed that this amendment to the Contract Agreement shall prevail. 评注:如果这个补充协议和之前签订的合同有冲突,那么以这个补充协议为准,一般可以不写这一句,因为法律上规定一般是后面的文件有效,不过为了避免争议,也为了保险起见,我个人喜欢加上这一句。 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed the day and year first before written. On behalf of the SellerPosition___________________________Name____________________________Signature__________________________Date____________________________Tel____________________________ On behalf of the BuyerPosition___________________________Name____________________________Signature__________________________Date____________________________Tel____________________________ WitnessesName____________________________Signature____________________________


关于延期交货的补充协议 (中英文)Supplement Agreement on Delayed Delivery 主合同编号(Contract NO): 买 方(Buyer):地 址(Add):电话(Tel): 传真(Fax):生产厂(Producer):地 址(Add):电话(Tel): 传真(Fax):020-32915578 为体现诚实信用的合同履行精神,防止延期交货的情况出现,双方协商一致,特制定如下条款:In order to reflect the spirit of good faith and for avoidance of any delay in delivery, both parties hereby agree as follows: 一、本协议是执行主合同的关于延期交货的特别约定,主合同编号为:。 This agreement shall constitute a special covenant for implementing the provisions of delayed delivery as set forth in the Master Contract(Contract No._______). 二、主合同约定的交货日期为: 年 月 日,运输方式为海运集装箱。 Delivery date provided in the Master Contract shall be _________, and transportation mode is marine container. 三、若生产厂无法按照上述交货期限的约定交货的,则买方有权要求改为空运方式运输,相应的空运费用约 美元(USD)从买方应当支付给生产厂的货款中扣除。(实际扣除金额以空运费单据为准) Where the Producer fails to deliver goods pursuant to the above delivery period, the Buyer has right to amend the original transportation mode to air transportation and corresponding air freight charge is around _______(USD) deductible from payments for goods made by the Buyer to the Producer. (actual deductible amount shall be subject to air freight receipts) 买 方(Buyer): 买方代表人:(签章)Representative: (Sgn & Samp) 生产厂(Producer):生产厂代表人:(签章)Representative: (Sgn & Samp) 签约时间: 年 月 日Date of Signing:(D-M-Y)注:本合同内容如有中英文翻译误差,以中文为准。Note: If this contract content has any error of translation, subject to Chinese.


关于延期交货的补充协议 (中英文)Supplement Agreement on Delayed Delivery 主合同编号(Contract NO): 买 方(Buyer):地 址(Add):电话(Tel): 传真(Fax):生产厂(Producer):地 址(Add):电话(Tel): 传真(Fax):020-32915578为体现诚实信用的合同履行精神,防止延期交货的情况出现,双方协商一致,特制定如下条款:In order to reflect the spirit of good faith and for avoidance of any delay in delivery, both parties hereby agree as follows:一、本协议是执行主合同的关于延期交货的特别约定,主合同编号为:。 This agreement shall constitute a special covenant for implementing the provisions of delayed delivery as set forth in the Master Contract(Contract No._______).二、主合同约定的交货日期为: 年 月 日,运输方式为海运集装箱。 Delivery date provided in the Master Contract shall be _________, and transportation mode is marine container.三、若生产厂无法按照上述交货期限的约定交货的,则买方有权要求改为空运方式运输,相应的空运费用约 美元(USD)从买方应当支付给生产厂的货款中扣除。(实际扣除金额以空运费单据为准) Where the Producer fails to deliver goods pursuant to the above delivery period, the Buyer has right to amend the original transportation mode to air transportation and corresponding air freight charge is around _______(USD) deductible from payments for goods made by the Buyer to the Producer. (actual deductible amount shall be subject to air freight receipts)买 方(Buyer): 买方代表人:(签章)Representative: (Sgn & Samp)生产厂(Producer):生产厂代表人:(签章)Representative: (Sgn & Samp)签约时间: 年 月 日Date of Signing:(D-M-Y)注:本合同内容如有中英文翻译误差,以中文为准。Note: If this contract content has any error of translation, subject to Chinese.