




Unit 2 of Module 7 Language points

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Learning Aims:

1. To learn some language points in this text to enlarge the vocabulary

2. To use the language points when doing the exercises.

Learning Important and Difficult Points:

1. Learn to analyze some long and complicated sentences.

Learning Methods:

1. Learn some phrases by heart.

2. Learn the usage of some words and phrases through self-study and practice.

Learning Procedures:


Ⅰ. 识记短语

1. focus on 聚焦于;集中注意力 2. open up 打开;开拓

3. save one’ life 挽救某人的生命 4. recommend doing sth. 建议做某事

5. take place 发生 6. reduce the risk of 减小… 伤害

7. carry out 实施,进行 8. in contemporary society 在当代

9. increase the length of people’ lives 延长人类寿命

10. increase the standard of people’s health 提高人类的健康水平

11. try … out on 在… 上试用某物 12. make it pure 提纯

13. manage to do 成功做成某事 14. in large quantities 大量地

15. due to 由于 16. widespread use of 广泛使用

17. turn … into 把… 变成 18. wonder drug 神奇药品

II. 重点单词、词组或句子用法探究

1. If you open up any medicine cupnoard in the world, there is a high probability that you will find aspirin and penicillin.

请问这是一个简单句还是复合句__复合句____________ ?这是if 引导的 _条件状语从句, 主句中的that 引导的是____同谓语_______ 从句,用来解释说明___ probability ________ 的内容,在句子中充不充当成分? ___不________________ 。there is a high pribability/ possibility that +从句 译为___很有可能______________________ 。

请问open up 在句子的意思为_______打开_____ , 还可以表示为___开始______拓展____________ 。



With the western provinces _opening up ______________ , people’s living standards have been improved.

2. There is no doubt ____________ he can do a good job of it.

A. whether B. if C. that D. how

3. 昨天他工作到深夜,今天他很有可能会上班迟到。

He worked deep into night. There is a probability that he will be late for work today.

2. Some recipes recommended drinking a tea made from the dried leaves of a particular plant to reduce body pains.

句中的made from 是过去分词作___定语_____ ( 成分 ) 修饰_ a tea ____ 。to reduce body pains 是不定式作_________目的状语_________ ( 成分 ) 。

句中的recommend 意思为______建议__________ 。recommend的用法归类。试着翻译下面的句中找出关于recommend 用法。

(1) He recommended Spain for our next holiday. 我建议我们下次度假去西班牙。

(2) The doctor may recommend limiting the amount of fat in your diet.


(3)Irecommend you to think very carefully before you do anything foolish.


(4) The worker recommended that a new bus station should be bulit.


recommend 还可以表示_______推荐__________ , 常于介词______as ____ 和______for ___ 连用。


(1) She was strongly recommended for the post.__他被强烈推荐担任这个职位。

(2) I should recommend it as a useful reference book.____我推荐他作为一本好的参考书。_

3. It was in 1897 that a European chemist called Dr Felix Hoffmann produced ASA from some other chemicals to make a medicine for his father.

这是一个_____强调句_____ 句型,被强调部分是__ in 1897_____________ 。 强调句型的结构是_________it is 强调部分+ that/who + 句子剩余成分_______________________ ,用来强调句中除__谓语动词_________( 成分 )的任何成分。思考题 不能被强调句强调的成分该用什么形式强调呢?

试着找出文章中另外一个强调句。It was not until World War 2 that two other scientists that managed to use new chemical techniques to purify it .


1. It was on October 1 ________________ new China was founded. (B级)

A. which B. when C. as D. that

2. ---- where did you meet him?

---- It was in the hotel ____________ I was staying. (C级)

A. that B. when C.where D. which

4. Not only has aspirin saved many people’s lives by reducing fever and helping stop pain, but there are also other things that aspirin can help with.

本句中运用了not only … but ( also ) 连接两个分句,意为__不但---- 而且____ , not only 放在句首,第一个分句_倒装______________ , 而后面的句中___不倒装 。


Not only __________ able to escape out of the hotel on fire, but he also helped the fire fighters put out the fire.

A. he was B. was he C. is he D. was he

5.It was over a decade before someone else turned penicillin into the great drug of the 20th century.

本句用了“It was + 一段时间+ before” 结构,表示__多长时间后才

it was not long before … ____不久以后就

it will not be long before … ___不久以后就会

it was two years/days before …____两年之后就

it will be two years/days before… _两年后才


(1) 在过两周Tom 就回来了 It will be two weeks before tom come back .

(2) -- How long do you think it will be _______ China sends a manned spaceship to the moon?

-- perhaps two or three years.

A. when B. until C. that D. before

6. They were able to produce it in large quantities.

句中in large quantities 的意思_大量地________________ , quantities of 意为__________大量的______ , 既可以修饰可数名词也可以修饰不可数名词。“quantities of + 名词”作主语时后面的名词无论是可数名词的复数还是不可数名词,谓语动词用___复数______ ( 单数/复数 )形式。“a quantity of +名词”作主语时,谓语动词要用___单数________ ( 单数/复数 )形式。

思考题: 把下列词组按照所给的类别归类。

a number of / a large amount of / lots of / a lot of / plenty of/ a great deal of/ a great many

只能修饰可数名词复数的___a number of a great many

只能修饰不可数名词的 _______a large amount of a graet deal of

修饰可数名词或者不可数名词________lots of a lot of plenty of

7. Lawrence Craven , a doctor from the USA, is the author of several published reporters, one of which inroduced the idea in 1953 that aspirin could reduce the risk of heart attacks by thinning blood.

请问这是一个简单句还是复合句_____复合句_________ ?Lawrence Craven 和 a doctor from the USA 是___同位语_________ 关系,one of which引导______定语___________ 从句,而句中的that引导________同位语______ 从句。


I. 根据要求将下列句子翻译成英文

1. 他没可能通过这次考试。( probability的同位语从句)

___There is no probability that he will pass the test.___

2. 他建议我们尽量多读书。(recommend的用法造尽可能多的句子)

_He recommended that we should read as many books as possible

3. 直到他回来,我才得到这个消息。( not … until 的强调句)

_____________It was not until he came back that I knew the truth.

4. 两个小时之后,我们才能到达那个村庄,。( It be + 一段时间+ before” )

_____It will be 2 hours before we get to the village.___

II. 单项填空

1. The computer was used in teaching. As a result, not only _______ , but students became more interested in the lessons.

A. saved was teachers’ energy B. was teachers’ energy saved

C. teachers’ energy was saved D. was saved teachers’ energy

2. The doctor recommended that you ____________ swim after eating a large meal.

A. would not B. could not C. need not D. should not

3. --- Why does the lake smell terrible ?

-- Because large quantities of water _____________ .

A. have polluted B. is being polluted

C. has been polluted D. have been polluted

4. News came from the school office ______________ Wang Lin had been admitted to Bejing University.

A. which B. what C. that D. where

5. The task ______________ more difficult than we had thought.

A. is proved B. was proved C. proves D. proved

6. He will __________ a plan to the full.

A. carry on B. carrt out C. carry off D. carry through

7. He arrived late _____________ the storm,

A.due to B. because of C. owing to D. all the above


Warming-up and pre-reading

1. character n.人物,角色;特性,特征;性格;人格,品性;(汉)字,字体

a. It is a good story, but I find some of the character rather unconvincing(不令人信服).

b. They are twins but they have quite different characters

c. He is a man of good character.

d. A Chinese character 一个汉字

2.Fiction n. 1)小说(总称);虚构的文学作品


Fact/Truth is stranger than fiction. [谚语]事实比小说更离奇。

短语:legal fiction 法律上的假定 light fiction 通俗小说

pure fiction 纯粹的谎言;十足的谎言 science fiction 科幻小说

3.Desire vt.1)渴望;希望(做某事)desire to do sth.


3)要求【请求】某人做某事desire that-do/should do

desire sb. to do sth.

a. I desire an immediate answer of yours.

b. We desire to have a good result.

c. Please desire him to come in.

d. They desire that you should come at once.

n. 愿望;欲望;要求;食欲;情欲;向往的东西

短语:at one’s desire照某人的希望 get one’s desire 得到所希望的东西

meet one’s desire 满足某人的欲望 have/feel a great desire for 渴望―――

nurse a desire for 怀有――的欲望

leave much to be desired 有许多改进/不足的地方

leave nothing to be desired 尽善尽美;完全中意


4.satisfaction n.(opp.dissatisfaction)1)满足;满意;舒服;


I heard the news with great/much satisfaction.

He smile with satisfaction.


It will be a great satisfaction to you to know that---你如果听到――一定很满意

Feel/find satisfaction at (in) 对――感到满意

Give satisfaction to 使――满足(满意,称心)

Take satisfaction in 对――感到满足(满意);乐于――

To one’s satisfaction = to the satisfaction of 使――满意的是

Express one’s satisfaction with(at) 对――表示满意

5. test vt&n. 检验;考查;测验;考试;考验

let’s use another method to test for its pulling force.

词语搭配:an achievement test 成绩测验 a live test(火箭)载人试验

a nuclear test 核试验 a test in physics 物理测试

a test paper一份试卷 a blood test 血液检查

短语:test out 考验 take a test 参加考试

put-to the test 将――加以化验,检查

6。asent adj.(opp. Present) 1)不在的;缺席的;缺勤的


He is absent on business.

He was absent in his mind then.

Long absent soon forgotten. 离久情疏

短语: be absent from a friend 和朋友分离

be absent from (home,school,office)不在(家);缺(课);缺(席);缺(勤)be absent without excuse 擅自缺席

7.Alarm n.警报;惊慌

The fire caused much alarm.


1) give the alarm = raise an alarm 发警报;向――告急

2) take (the) alarm at 对――感到吃惊

3) a fire alarm 火警

4) in alarm 惊慌;担心

5) sound the alarm 响警报;吹警笛

vt.使警觉;惊动;使惊慌 Don’t alarm yourself.

7)be alarmed at(the news)被(那消息)吓一跳

8)be alarmed for (the safety of--) 放心不下;担心(――的安全)

8.Smooth adj.平坦的;平滑的;顺利的

The course of true love never did run smooth.恋爱无坦途/好事多磨。

The way is now smooth.

Vt. 使――光滑,平坦或顺利


1)make smooth 弄平滑;扫除障碍 2)smooth out 弄平;铺平;解决

3)smooth away/over 使容易;排除;解决(困难等)

4)smooth the way for 铺平道路;排除障碍;使容易做

5)smooth down (使)平静下来;弄平

9.embarrass vt. To cause to feel ashamed, uncomfortable or anxious 使困惑;使局促不安

The decline of sales embarrassed the company.

Be/feel embarrassed in the presence of strangers

短语:embarrass sb. with sth./by doing sth. 做――使某人尴尬/害羞/窘迫

Don’t embarrass them with(by asking) personal questions.不要问隐私,会让他们觉得不好意思。

Embarrassed adj. 尴尬的,难堪的,害羞的

I was embarrassed by his comments about my clothes.

Embarrassing adj.使人尴尬的;令人难堪的

What has been your most embarrassing moment?

10.sympathy n.同情;同感;同情心

Out of sympathy for the homeless children he gave them shelter for the night.

短语:1)express sympathy for 慰问

2)feel sympathy for, have sympathy for 同情

3)in sympathy with 同情;赞成;跟着;和――一致

11.accompany 伴随;陪伴;同时存在或发生

I must ask you to accompany me to the police station.

Strong winds accompanied by heavy rain.

12. ring(sb.)up = call (sb.) up 给某人打电话


1) give sb. a call/ring 2)make a (telephone) call

3) call sb. on the telephone 4) phone/telephone sb.

挂断电话的相关短语:ring off ring off the telephone

回电话的相关短语:call bake ring back

13.turn around 转身;回转;旋转

When the teacher turned around, they began to whisper.

All of a sudden he turned around/about and saw me.

短语:trun about转身;转向;调向 turn against背叛;反抗;使对抗

turn away 把(脸)转过去;抛弃 turn off解雇;关掉;使失去兴趣

turn on打开 trun out结果是;证明是;生产(产品)

14.There stood-此句为存在结构,常用于这种结构的动词有:stand, seem to be, happen to be, be likely to be; live, come, enter, lie 等;

There happened to be nobody in the room.

Once there lived an old fisherman in a village by the sea.

15. declare vt.宣布;声明;表明;说明;宣称

1) declare + n.宣告 They will declare the results of the election soon.

2) declare + n + (to be)n./ adj. 宣布――为――

The judge declared him (to be) the winner of the competition.

I declared this conference (to be) open.

3) declare + (that)从句 宣称;声称

She declared (that) she was right.


Declare oneself 发表意见,表明态度 declare war on/upon 对――宣战

Declare against 声明反对 declare for (in favour of )声明赞成

16.Envy vt.& n.嫉妒;羡慕

1) envy +sb. (for sth.) 2)envy sb. Sth.

How I envy you! They envied us for our success.

I envy you your good fortune.

短语: be in envy of one’s success 羡慕某人的成功

Out of envy 出于嫉妒/羡慕

17.Leave--- alone 不管;别惹;让――独自待着;不打扰

Leave my book alone. 不要动我的书。

Let me alone to do it. 由我做吧。

Using language

18. explanation n. (其后常跟of, for ) 解释,注释;说明

She’s giving an wxplanation of how the machine works.

1) by way of explanation 作为说明,以解释的方式

2) come to an explanation with sb.与人交谈后消除了误会

3) In explanation of 解释,说明

I had better say a few words by way of explanation.

I’ve come to an explanation with them about the matter.

Have you anything to say in explanation of your conduct?

19.Take ---seriously 严肃对待;认真对待

You can’t take his promise seriously; he never keeps his word.

20.divorce n. 离婚;断绝关系 vt. 与――离婚; 使――离婚;脱离

1)The judge divorced the couple.

2)He got divorced from his wofe last month.

3)He is divorced from societ.

4)Life and art cannot be divorced.

短语: get/obtain a divorce 获准离婚

a divorce between thought and action 思想与行动脱节

divorce oneself/be divorced from one’s spouse 和自己的配偶离婚

Learning tip

21. set aside 将――放在一边;保留;储蓄(时间;金钱);忽视/不顾(要求、感受)

So set aside some time each day to write, even if it is only five minutes.

I’ve set aside some money for the journey.

She always sets aside my feelings.

短语:set about 着手;开始 set--against 使――和――为敌/对立

Set apart = set aside 留出;拨出


patent n./adj/.v.

The patent runs out in three years’ time. 这项专利为期三年。

Try some of this new patent medicine. 试试这种专利药品吧。

If you don’t patent your invention, someone else will steal the idea. 如果你不为这个发明申请专利,别人可能会剽窃其构思的。

call up =ring up 打电话给…/ bring back回忆/ 征召入伍

I called you up yeasterday but noone answered the phone.

I was called up three months after the war broke out.战争爆发三年后我被征召入伍。

The music called up my memory of the childhood. 音乐引起我对童年的回忆。


call for 需要,要求 去接某人或取某物 call on 号召,拜访 call in 收回 call off 取消

call at 拜访某地 call sb’s name 叫某人的名字 call sb names骂某人 call out 大叫

ex. The football match was called off because of the bad weather.

I called on Mr. Green this morning.

The president called on the whole nation to work hard to make the country stronger.

Let’s go to the meeting together and I wil call for you. 我们一起去开会,倒是我来接你。

This problem calls for careful thinking.

now and then = at times/ sometimes/ from time to time/ once in a while/ occasionally 有时,偶尔

I wrote to him now and then but not often. 我时不时给他写信,但不经常。

Speech distinguishes man from the animals. 语言使人区别于动物。

A person with good eyesight can distinguish distant objects. 视力好的人可以看清远处的物体。

You should be able to distinguish between right and wrong. 你应该能够明辨是非。

Lang Lang has already distinguished himself as a pianist.作为钢琴家,郎朗已享有盛名。

distinguish A from B. 使…有别于….

distinguish between A and B 分辨….的不同

be distinguished for…=be famous for…

beg for mercy乞求怜悯、宽恕 have/show mercy on…对….表示同情

at the mercy of… 任…摆布 without mercy 毫不留情地

Sympathy 指同情心或恻隐之心,强调共同分担,或引起共鸣等

It is a pity that such a talented man should be killed by the car.

He was moved with sympathy.

The criminal pleaded with the jury for mercy.

product-production n.---produce v./n. ---producer n.

set about (doing sth) 开始、着手 = set out to do sth

set down 记下,放下 set down to sth 开始做某事

set up 成立 set off (for) 出发 (=set out 出发); 引爆

set aside 放在一边、节省 set fire to 点火

convenient-convenience---inconvenience n.方便,便捷

It/sth. is convenient to/ for sb. 对某人方便

It is convenient for sb to do sth.某人做某事方便

This is a convenient tool for hair-cutting.这是一种便利的理发工具。

Come and see me whenever it is convenient to you. 方便的话就来看我。

Our home is convenient to the shop. 在…附近

The shop is at a convenient distance from our home.

expectation n. 期待,期望;所希望的东西;前程;希望

in the expectation that… 预料着,指望着

in expectation of 预料着,指望着 beyong one’s expectation

against / contrary to all expectations 与预料相反

meet/live up to/come up to the expectation 不负众望

seize sb by the arm 抓住某人的手臂 seize power/ cotrol 夺取权利或控制权

注意:seize 不用suddenly修饰也不用再加by force

file letters/ an application/ complaint

bear a heavy burden / a loss 负重荷、承担损失

bear a person/ hardship/ pain 忍受某人/忍受艰难困苦/痛苦

bear love for …/deep feelings 怀有爱慕之情/怀有深厚感情

bear the sign/ an expression of….具有标记/ 带着…的表情


过去分词borne 可以表示生育,且多用于完成体的主动态;born主要用于形容词,作表语或定语,解释为“出生”;“天生的”

He is born in 1790/ into a poor family/ of French parents/with a good memory


She has borne 6 children.

All the costs of the repairs will be borne by our company. 我们公司负担所有修理费。

jam n./ v.

jam in/ into/ with 挤进/ 使…挤满 I jammed my clothes into a small suitcase.

jam up 把事情搞糟、搞乱 The accident jammed up the traffic for half an hour.




Warming up部分围绕诗歌这一话题设置了两个练习。第一个练习引导学生回顾儿时所接触的诗歌;第二个练习引导学生探讨写诗的目的。

Pre-reading 部分主要让学生认识诗歌的种类和不同国家所赋诗歌的文化差异。该部分设置了两个练习,第一个练习让写诗交流所喜爱的诗歌;第二个练习就阅读课文设计图表,让写诗从内容和写作风格两个方面认识阅读课文中的诗歌。

Reading 部分介绍了五种简单的英语诗歌共8首:儿歌节奏明快,韵律和谐、朗朗上口、不断重复、利于记忆,是语言学习的有效手段;清单诗,尤其是那些不断重复短语和节奏的诗歌,比较容易创作。五行诗,顾名思义,由五行组成,寥寥数语,言简意赅。俳句起源于日本,由17个音节组成。唐诗,被英国等所借鉴,许多唐诗被译成英文,广为传诵。


Learning about language部分安排的两个练习均与诗歌有关。第一个练习通过从课文诗歌中找押韵的词帮助学生理解课文的生词和诗歌的韵脚;第二个练习学习构词发。语法部分设置了两种类型的练习。一类写诗或续诗;另一类是用所给词的适当形式填空。这两个练习都是操练虚拟语气的用法。

Using language 部分综合训练听说读写的语言能力。听、读和讨论部分把听力与阅读训练结合起来。通过听理解诗歌内容,辨认写诗人的身份、诗歌的节律,并表达诗歌所激起的联想。通过边打拍子边朗读、在欣赏中加深对诗歌的理解。通过释义理解诗歌中的难句,并指导学生进行深层理解,学会推断人物身份与关系。听和讨论部分有四个学生与老师交谈,围绕诗歌比赛展开。首先通过不同的声音来辨认人物;然后,捕捉不同人的不同事,一一对号。该部分的两个练习,帮助学生学习和运用表达意图与决定的日常交际用语。写的部分要求学生模仿诗歌C以IF I开头写清单诗;或以I FEEL HAPPY WHEN。。。开头写诗。

Summing up部分运用调控策略,对本单元所涉及的知识与技能,特别是本单元所涉及的结构和词汇、话语功能以及诗歌的类型、押韵和节奏等方面进行自我评价。

Learning tip部分提示学生注意理解诗歌与应用学习的关系:写诗、唱歌是理解和记忆词汇,学习语言的有效方法。


第一课时:Warming up, Pre-reading & Reading 本课时内教师可从学生的生活实际出发,了解人们写作英语诗歌的不同目的,借助教材第9页的表格,Reading部分的诗歌进行整体理解。建议以理解内容为主。可以选择其中某一首诗,进行语音训练,感受英语诗歌的节奏和韵律。

第二课时:Reading, Comprehending & Learning about language (Discovering useful words and expressions ). 本课时内主要是对课文进行适当的拓展、讨论,着眼于对英语诗歌的欣赏,理解这些诗歌的寓意。利用 Learning about language 中的Discovering useful words and expressions 部分,引导学生注意并感受英语诗歌的韵律。

第三课时:Learning about language (除Discovering useful words and expressions) 课堂上处理完该部分内容,突出两个重点:(1)学习诗歌的写法; (2)学习与过去事实相反的虚拟语气的用法。

第四课时:Using language 完成阅读、听力和讨论及写作部分。

第五课时:Summing up & Assessment小结、测试与讲评。

Period 1 Warming up, Pre-reading & Reading

Teaching goals

1. Target language

a. Important words and phrases

Poem, poetry, recite, aspect, convey, nursery, rhyme, diamond, cottage, balloon, sparrow, tease, salty, endless, translate, nursery rhyme, take it easy, run out of, make up of

b. Important sentences

Which poem is about things that don’t make sense?

Poets use many different forms of poems to express themselves.

I hadn’t taken my eye off the ball.

We hadn’t taken it easy.

The poem is made up of five lines.

A lot of Tang poetry has been translated into English. The translations have a free form that English people like to copy.

2. Ability goals

a. Enable Ss to talk about different types of poems: nursery rhymes; list poems; cinquain,; haiku; Tang poems

b. Enable Ss to talk about different purposes of writing poems.

c. Understand the main theme of each poem.

d. Enable Ss to chant some of their favorite poems.

3. Learning ability

Enable Ss to distinguish different types of poems.

Teaching important points

1. Talk about five main types of poems.

2. Understand the main purpose of writing the poems.

Teaching difficult points

1. Find the rhythm of each poem.

2. Chant the poem.

3. Understand the main purpose of writing the poems.

Teaching methods

1. Skimming and scanning.

2. Asking-and –answering activity

3. Discussion

4. Chant

Teaching aids


Teaching procedures & ways

Step 1. Greetings

Step 2. Presentation

Ask Ss to think back and try to remember poems from their early childhood, either in Chinese or in English.

Talk about some famous poets both home and abroad, either ancient ones or modern ones.

Brainstorming: What will you think of when we talk about the word “poem”?

Step 3. Warming up

Read the questions in this part, reminding Ss what they notice about the above poems.(e.g. they have a strong beat, or they have rhyme, or they play with words and sounds, or perhaps some of them are funny because they make no sense.)

Tell Ss that there are many reasons why people write poetry. Give the examples on the Bb. Ask Ss why they think the poets wrote the poems they have just recited.. Write their suggestions on the board.

Give Ss a time limit of a few minutes. Divide the class into groups of four to discuss the purpose of writing poems. Ask one person from each group to read their group’s list and add their suggestions to the list on the board. (Suggested reasons: to create certain feelings or images in the reader; to share a feeling or experience; to describe something in detail or give an impression; to get the reader to think about an idea; to express a point of view; to make the reader experience the sight, sounds, smells, feel and tastes of something; to create a mood, to play with words--- their sounds, rhyme and rhythm.)

If time permits, in small groups or as a class, discuss the kinds of topics that poets write about.( people, animals, nature, landscapes, the sea, the seasons, stories, death, war, youth and old age, feeling and experiences, emotions like love, hate, sadness, regret and desire, etc.)

Step 4. Pre-reading

People from different countries write different kinds of poems. Get Ss to discuss the questions on Page 9 with their partners: Do you have a favorite poem in Chinese? Why ? Do you have a favorite poem in English? Why?

As to exercise 2, give Ss practice in an important reading skill: scanning a text, that is, looking through a text quickly to find specific information. Read the table in exercise 2 with the Ss. Tell them that they are going to look for the information in the table, just in the poems themselves, not in the other parts of the text. They are to look only for those pieces of information and not read every word. Do an example with them.

Suggested answers to exercise 2:

Which poem A B C D E F G H

describes a person? √

tells a story? √

describes an aspect of a season? √ √ √

is about sport? √

is about things that don’t make sense? √

is recited to a baby? √

describes a river scene? √

has rhyming words at the end of lines? √ √

repeats words or phrases? √ √ √

Step 5. Reading


Get the Ss to read the passage quickly and accurately and meanwhile help the Ss to form a good habit of reading. Teacher gives Ss a couple of minutes to look through the whole passage. Tell them to read the text silently and then ask some detailed questions about the text on the slide show . Teacher should encourage Ss to express their ideas.

Q1. Why do people write poetry?

Q2. How many forms of poems are mentioned in the passage? What are they?

Q3. What does “nursery rhyme” mean? Why do they delight small children?

Q4. What’s the characteristic of “list poems”? What about “cinquain”?

Q5. Why do English People like “Haiku”?

Q6. Are you familiar with Tang Poems? Do you know the title of the last poem in the text?


Before Ss read the text, have them close their books and listen to the text with their eyes closed. This gives Ss the opportunity to listen to the sounds or “music” of the poems before reading them in detail. Tell them that it doesn’t matter if they don’t understand every word.

First reading

Get Ss to read the text carefully, finding the one sentence that sums up the paragraph of each part.. Underline the topic sentence.

Second reading

Tell Ss that they are going to look at the rhythm of two of the poems. Make sure they know what rhythm is. Read the limerick aloud and have Ss listen for the strong beats. Then have them clap the strong beats as you read. Mark the strong beats on the limerick on the board.

There was an old man with a beard

Who said “it is just as I feared”.

“Four insects and then

Two birds and a hen

Have all made a home in my beard”.

Now read the poem A & B. Ask them to mark the strong beats on the two poems that have a strong rhythm. Check their answers . Then play the tape and get them to clap to the strong beats in those two poems.

Third reading

Just as any scene can serve as the subject of a painting, so any part of daily life can provide material for a poem.. Of course, the choice that the artist or poet makes relates to his or her purpose. Poetry is usually short and compact, so it should be read several times, preferably aloud, to appreciate its meaning. Read the last poem (Poem H), and answer the following questions:

Q1. What parts of the poem suggest that the woman loves her husband?

Q2. How do you understand the sentence” Should the journeyer return, this stone would utter speech.”? Explain the sentence in your own words.

Q3. What picture do you have in your mind when you read the above sentences?

Q4. Do you know the Chinese title of this poem? Do you know the Chinese version of the poem?

Step 6. Make a short summary of this period.


1. Surf some websites to find out more information about poets.

2. Review the content of the reading passage.

3. Finish the exercises on Page 12& 13.

Period 2 Reading, Comprehending & Learning about language

Teaching goals

1. Target language

Important words and phrases

joy, anger, sorrow, thread, appropriate, ending, compass

2. Ability goals

Enable Students to deepen their understanding of the reading passage and learn some useful words and expressions.

Learn to use words and expressions in their right form.

3. Learning ability

Enable Ss to understand the rhyme and rhythm in English poems.

Teaching important points

1. Understand the passage and answer the questions about it.

2. Learn the useful words and expressions in the passage.

Teaching difficult points

1. Discuss the poems and understand their deep meaning.

2. Find the rhyme and rhythm in English poems and try to create them by students themselves.

Teaching methods

Discussion, asking-and-answering activity, practice, task-based activity

Teaching aids


Teaching procedures & ways

Step 1. Greeting

Step 2. Comprehending

Task 1. Group work

Ask students to read the passage together and then discuss in group which poem they like best and give reasons.

After discussion, ask someone to present his/her idea to the class.

Task 2. Ask and answer

Answer the questions about the passage on Page 11 – 12.

Step 3. Explanation

1. Others try to convey certain emotions.

“convey” here means communicate (an idea, meaning, etc.).

I can’t convey how angry I feel.

“emotion” means strong feeling

Love and hatred are basic emotions.

His voice was shaking with emotion.

2. They delight small children because they have strong rhythm and rhyme.

“delight” means make sb. pleased greatly.

The gift of the child delighted his parents.

I am delighted to help you.

“rhythm” means a measured flow of words and phrases in verse determined by various relations of syllables.

the exciting rhythms of African drum music

“rhyme” means identity for sound between words or the endings of words, esp. in verse.

Shakespeare sometimes wrote in rhyme.

He made up funny rhymes to make us laugh.

3. We would have won if we hadn’t taken it easy.

“take it easy” means to proceed gently or carefully; to relax and avoid overwork.

You’ve done quite enough work for today; now take it easy for an hour.

4. We would have won if we hadn’t run out of energy.

“run out(of sth.)” means to use up; to come to an end.

The petrol is running out.

We are running out of out time. = Our time is running out.

5. a poem made up of five lines

“make sth. up” means to put together; to compound

What are the qualities that make up his character?

Society is made up of people of widely differing abilities.

Step 4. Learning about language

Check the exercise on Page 12-13.

Task 1. Discovering useful words and expressions

1. Ask some students to list the words they find to rhymes with the words in the exercise. The teacher may make some addition if necessary.

Sample answers:

2 high sky pie my fly shy lie

3 sing ring wing thing king fling string

4 today away say play lay tray may

5 lace race face case chase place pace

6 true too new flew few shoe canoe

Ask students to try to create more lists by themselves.

2. Complete the passage using the correct words.

Ask students to finish the passage and explain why the form of the words must be changed.

Task 2. Discovering useful structures

1. Rewrite the poem about winning the match and the reasons.

2. Rewrite the poem about the attempt to win the competition.

Offer students some time to discuss about it and present some samples for them to follow if they find it difficult to get through.

3. Match the sentences.

Explain some rules of subjunctive mood if necessary.

4. Complete the sentences using the correct forms of the verbs.

Step 5. Using words and expressions(Workbook)

Task 1. Make adjectives from nouns by adding suffix “ful” and then explain the meaning of the new adjectives. Encourage students to think of more examples that have the same form.

Task 2. Complete the table with the correct words.

Noun Verb Adjective Adverb

Task 3. Complete the sentences using the correct word from the table.

Task 4. Match the phrases appropriately and encourage students to create more of their own word pictures.

Step 6. Make a short summary of this period.


1. Remember important language points.

2. Write a simple English poem by using rhyme and rhythm.

3. Preview “Learning about language”.

Period 3 Learning about Language

Teaching goals

1. Target language

a. Important words

Appropriate , ending , compass

b. Important sentences

If she had stueide harder , she would have passed the exam.

If she had been there , she would have met some really interesting people.

2. Ability goals

a. Enable Ss to grasp the ways of writing poems.

b. Enable Ss to use subjunctive mood correctly.

3. Learning ability

Teach Ss how to write some poems and how to use subjunctive mood correctly.

Teaching important points

1. the way of writing poems.

2. Subjunctive Mood

Teaching difficult points

Using subjunctive mood correctly in different situations.

Teaching methods

1. Task-based learning

2. instructions

3. practice

Teaching aids


Teaching procedures & ways

Step 1. Greetings

Step 2. Warming up

Task1: Free talk------ why do you enjoy learning English?

T: I’m glad to see you again and I’m happy because we can enjoy English together. Do you enjoy learning English?

S: Yes . Because English is a very beautiful language.

S2: Because we can enjoy a lot of funny stories if we know English.

S3: Because we can communicate with foreigners in English.

S4: Because we can introduce China to foreigners if we know English.


T: Well done. If we did well in some way , people would know us. Now let’s talk about some famous persons. (Yao Ming , Liu Xiang , Madame Curie, Yuan Longping, Chinese Women Football Team)

Step 3. Presentation

Task2: Group talk-----Try to talk about the famous persons.

Q1: Why is Yao Ming famous ? S1: Because he played basketball very well. S2:…..

Q2: Why could Liu Xing succeed ? S1: Because he trained very hard. S2:……..

Q3: Why did Chinese Women Football Team lose the game? S1: Because they were tired…

Q4: Complete the sentence : They would win if they ……… S1:They would win if they had a good rest. S2:……

T: Just now we talked a lot about some persons .If we put these sentences together , they formed a kind of poem-----list poems..

Task3: Turn to page 13 , and do exercises 1 and 2.

Step 4. Grammar

Task4: Present some sentences on the blackboard , and ask Ss to tell the difference among them.

a. If I knew it , I would tell you.

b. If I had known it yesterday , I would have told you .

c. If I had known it , I would have told you.

d. If I had finished my homework , I would have gone to bed.

e. If I had known his telephone number , I would have made a phone to him.

S1: In these sentences , they use different tenses.

S2: They describe different situations.


T: Yeah . We can draw a conclusion as follows:

Verb forms

If –clause The main sentence

The present situation Ved would /could/should/might +V

The past situation had Ved would/could/should/might +have Ved

Task5: Compare some special sentences and draw a conclusion.

A. Had I not seen it with my own eyes , I would not have believed it.

Were it not to rain tomorrow , we would have a picnic.

Should it rain tomorrow , we would have a picnic.

Conclusion: connect subjunctive mood with inversion.

B. If the weather had been finer, the crops would be growing still better.

If you had followed the teacher’s advice, you wouldn’t be in hospital.

Conclusion: The situations in the clause and the main sentence are different.

C. If only I knew his name!

If only we had followed your advice!

If only I could see him again!

Conclusion: We should use different forms of verbs according to the different situations in the pattern: If only.

D. Without sunlight, people’s life would be different from today.

But for your help, I wouldn’t have finished the work.

Conclusion: If there are some special prepositions just like without , but for in the sentences, we sometimes should use subjunctive mood.

Step5. Practice

Task6 : Do exercises 3 and 4 on page13.

Task7: Present some pictures and ask Ss to make up some sentences with subjunctive mood.

Picture1: A rocket

e.g If I were a designer , I would design a spaceship .

If I were clever enough , I would have designed a spaceship.

Picture2: the universe

e.g.:If I were an astronaut , I would travel into space.

If I had been to space , I would have known what were there in space.

Picture3:a lot of money

e.g.:If I had a lot of money , I would run a big company.

If I had earned a lot of money , I would have built a lot of houses for the poor

Picture 4:the farmer and the snake

e.g.:If the farmer hadn’t seen the snake , he wouldn’t have put it in the arms.

If he hadn’t put it in the arms , the snake wouldn’t have bitten him.

If the snake hadn’t bitten him , he wouldn’t have died

Task8: Do some exercises on screen.

Step6: summary and homework

Do exercises 1-4 on page 50 and 51.

Period 4 Reading , Listening and Writing

Teaching goals

1. Target language

a. key words and phrases: pattern, rhythmic, rhyme, rhythm, sunlight, darkness, warmth, underlined, load

b. key sentences:

I’m not going to do….

I plan to do…

I’ll do….

I am looking forward to do…..

If I were the ruler of the world, I would do….

If I had a million dollars, I would do….

I feel happy when….

Slowly the moon climbs in the sky….

2. Ability goals

a. Enable the students to understand the rhyme and rhythm of the poem and grasp the main idea.

b. Enable the students can get the information from the long passage by listening.

c. Enable the students can express their feelings by writing poems.

3. Learning ability goals:

a. Enable the students to know how to get the key words to understand the poem.

b. Enable the students can find where the rhyme and the rhythm of the poem are.

c. Help the students learn how to get some skills in listening.

d. Enable the students to learn to present enough reasons to support their opinions.

e.. Help the students learn to write poems using the target language according to the writing steps.

4.Teaching important points

a. Help the students to understand what the rhyme and rhythm are.

b. Train the students to get the key words by reading the question before listening.

c. Teach the students to write according to the writing steps.

5.Teaching difficult points

a. How to help the students can find where the rhyme and the rhythm of the poem are.

b. How to help the students to make up dialogues, using the target language.

c. How to help the students to write the poem to express their feelings.

6.Teaching methods

Cooperative learning and Task-based learning

7.Teaching aids

A recorder, computer, slide and blackboard

8.Teaching procedure & ways:

Step1 Greetings and revision

Teacher greets the whole class and checks the homework.


Teacher asks the whole class to enjoy a poem (showing it on the screen by computer)

There was an old woman they say;

Who would eat an apple a day;

When asked she replied;

It’s good for my inside;

For I am never ill anyway.

Teacher asks some questions:

Question1: Do you think poem is funny? What is main idea of the poem?

(To tell us an apple is good for our health)

Question2: Could you find the rhyme of the last word in each line?

(say//day; replied//inside; anyway)

The rhyme in this poem is “a a// b b //a ”.

Task 2 .Rhythm

Enjoy a song----Little Stars

Teacher asks the students to listen to and follow it. After that, teacher asks them to find the rhyming words and share them. This time teacher tells students the poem not only has rhyme, but also has the rhythm so that people can sing it as well as read it.

Step2 pre-reading

Teacher tells the students they will learn a new poem which is also a song written by Rod McKuen and asks the students to listen to the poem to feel and think about.

Task1. Speaking

Show some questions on the screen before students listen.

1.Do you think the speaker in the poem is more like to be a girlfriend /boyfriend or a parent?

2.Does the poem have a rhythmic pattern?

3.Does the poem have rhyming words?

After listening to the poem, the students have some minutes to speak and share their opinions.


Open question: When you were listening to the poem, did it make you feel something or think about something? What did it make you feel or think about?

This question has no standard answers , the students can discuss and express what they think freely.

Step3 While -reading

Teacher asks the students open their books and turn to page14.

Task1 Read the text following the tape.

Teacher asks students to follow the poems in their books while listening to the tape again and asks them to read aloud in pairs.

Task 2 Find the words that rhyme and circle them.

Teacher asks students to find and circle the rhyming words and list them on the blackboard to share.

Task3 Clap the strong beats of the rhythm

Teacher writes the first four lines on the board, and asks students to listen for the strong beats. Teacher plays the first four lines of the tape more than one time until the students are confident of hearing the strong beats and tap their tables in time to the strong beats. Teacher asks some students to underline the strong beats on the board and the teacher will tell them the correct answers by oral. After doing the example, the whole class will be divided into small groups and each group chooses one paragraph of the rest poem to underline the strong beats and reads them aloud. Some minutes later, teacher will check it in class.

Step4. Post –reading

Teacher sets exercises 3 (on page 15) on the screen and asks students to discuss the poem’s meaning in more detail. After that, teacher will tell each group to present the group’s views to the class.

Question1: Who is the speaker in the poem and who is he/she speaking to? Give reasons to support your answer.

Question2: Which of the following is the closest to the speaker’s message? Give a reason for your choice.

A .If it’s cold, I’ll warm you; if it’s dark, I’ll give you light; if you’re hungry, I’ll feed you; if you want love, I’ll give it to you.

B. Although the future may be difficult for you, whenever you need warmth and love, remember I’ll have some to give you.

C. While you’re away I’ll remember your smile and I’ll love you always. When you return, I hope you will love me.

Suggested answers.

Answer1 :A partner (mother or father) speaking to a young adult child(son or daughter)

Many of the phrases imply that the speaker is an older person who has experienced their own journey through life and who is offering love to the young person to help him/her begin his/her journey through life. For example, I’ve saved the summer …and I’ve saved some sunlight….when the speaker says Till you’re older….

We know that the speaker is probably a parent because he/she is offering the child unconditional love ( But if you’ve a need for love, I’ll give you al I own.).we know that son/daughter is a young adult because the speaker refers to the time when you were but nineteen.

Answer2: B is the best answer.

Step5 Pre-listening

Teacher tells students the listening is a conversation between a teacher and three of her students about a poetry competition. the students talk about when they are going to write their poems and how they become inspired to write poetry. Their discussion illustrates the function of intention.

Teacher first asks the students to discuss the following questions in groups about their experiences writing Chinese poetry.(show these questions by computer)

Question1: In what kind of place do you like to write poetry?

Question2: What conditions do you need to be able to write poetry? ( Does it have to be quite ,do you need to be alone, do you need to listen to music and so on?)

The discussion gives a context for the listening, prepares them for what they will hear and will help them understand the listening more easily.

Step6 Listening

Task1 First listening

Teacher reads the exercise1 with students before they listen and asks them whether ,in their discussion, any of them likes to write poetry under the same conditions as Lucy, Tom or Jack(ie in the countryside, at home, listening to music ).

As students listen, they should circle the correct student’s name in Exercise1.Check the answers together. (suggested answers: 1.Lucy;2. Jack;3.Lucy; 4.Tom)

Task2. Second listening

Teacher asks students to listen to the tape again , more than 2 times if possible. Exercise 2 asks more detailed questions. Teacher can reform and design the different forms of these question so that students will be more interested in them.


A. Multiple Choices

1.When do the students have to have their poems completed? (B)

A. By the 23th of the month B. By the 24th of the month C. By the 20th of the month

2. Who had decided not to write a poem for the competition but then changed is or her mind? (C)

A. Lucy B. Jack C. Tom

B. True or False

1.Lucy is satisfied with the poem she has written. (F)

Explanation: She thinks that if she had an extra week to work on it, she could improve it.

2.Tom has used music before while studying. (T)

Explanation: he works best when he is listening to his favorite music, but he has never tried writing poetry to music.

C. Complete the sentences

1. Why does Jack like to go into the countryside to write?

Because he finds that he notices all sorts of the things and he has interesting thoughts.

2. Why does Lucy stay at home to write?

Because she likes the quiet and likes to have her own things around her.

Task3 Third listening

This time the students are listening for a different kind of detail. They must listen for the expressions listed in Exercise 3.These sentences are model ways of expressing intention.

A. Filling the blanket

Teacher asks students close their books and show the sentences on the screen. Then Teacher plays the tape again and asks the students listen for these sentences.

1___________ enter a poem this.(I’m not going to)

2. ___________ do it this weekend.(I plan to)

3.How_____________become inspired to write this weekend?(are you going to)

4.__________________go on a hike into the countryside and sit quietly somewhere by myself.(I am going to)

5.____ also try out his way some time.(I’ll)

6.________________ try it tonight.(I ‘m going to)

7.__________________________ reading all your poems.(I’m looking forward to)

Check the answers together.

B. Repeating and Practicing

Imagine that the class has to enter poems in a competition next week. In small groups discuss the question :How are you going to become inspired to write your poem?

Teacher asks students to use some of the expressions in Exercise3 to talk about their plans. Students practise by oral and share in pairs.

Step 7 Writing

Task1.Revise the grammar

Students work in groups. Write a list poem starting with If I like poem C on page 10.write one line each .It doesn’t have to rhyme. Each group can choose one of these lines to start their group poem. Then share these poems in class.

Sentences pattern:

1. If I were the ruler of the world, I would….

2. If I had a million dollars, I would…

3. If I had taken your advice, I would have/wouldn’t have…

Task2 Write a poem

Teacher asks students to write a poem that starts with I feel happy when .The lines do not have to rhyme. Or write a poem that starts with Slowly. Start each line with Slowly and make each pair of lines rhyme. To show the students what to do, teacher list the first four lines of the two poems. Now teacher asks students to write own poem of eight to ten lines.

Eg: A

I feel happy when…

The sky is blue,

You smile at me with your sparking black eyes,

It’s my birthday.

Eg B

Slowly the moon climbs in the sky,

Slowly the black-tailed bird lets out a cry,

Slowly the dog crosses the road,

Slowly the old man carries his load.

If time permitting, the teacher asks students to finish their poems and share in class. If not, the task 2 of writing can be as homework.

Step8 Summary

In this period, all the students revise the key points of a poem-----Rhyme and rhythm. And they also enjoy a beautiful poem ----I’ve saved the summer. Students can understand the deep meaning in the poem and the parents’ love to the children. It’s good to help students how to appreciate poems. Meanwhile, Listening is important. Students enhance their listening skills by a conversation about the poems competition. In the end part, writing exercises helps students review the grammar and give them chances to express their thoughts by poem.(Teacher makes a list of some important points on the blackboard.)

Stop 9 Homework

1. Finish their poems after class.

2. Reread the poem “I’ve saved the Summer” and appreciate the beauty of the poem.

3. Make more sentences with If I had done….., I would….

Period5 Summary

Teaching goals

1.Target language

All useful words and structures in this unit.

2. Ability goals

a. Help students master the usage of the words and expressions in the unit.

b. Translate some sentences on Page 51.

c. Enable students to summarize what they learned by answering the questions in Summing up (P16) and Checking Yourself (P54).

3. Learning ability goals

Help students learn how to summarize what they have learned in this unit.

Teaching important and difficult points

How to review and conclude what students learned.

Teaching methods

Let students do the exercises, and then collect their answers. Ask them to conclude the rules and then give them some explanation.

Teaching aids

A projector and a recorder

Teaching procedures & ways

Step1 Revision

Check the homework left before. Ask some students to present the poems that they have written. Teacher can give them some remarks if necessary.

Step2 Ex on Page 49-50

This part is a consolidation of the words and expressions learned in this unit.

1. Let students finish part 1 and part2 ( 5 minutes )

T: Now please open your books and turn to page 49. Let’s use words and expressions. Make adjectives from the nouns and complete the table with the correct nouns, verbs, adjectives or adverbs.

2. Give the students 3 minutes to finish part 3 on next page.

T: Try to complete each sentence using the correct word from the table you have completed within 3 minutes.

3.Check the answers with the whole class.

Suggested answers:

Exercise 1 on P49

1.beauty beautiful 2.joy joyful 3.sorrow sorrowful 4.delight delightful

5. dread dreadful 6. hope hopeful 7. peace peaceful 8. power powerfu

Exercise 2 on P49

Noun Verb Adjective Adverb

anger anger angry angrily

dark darken dark darkly

impression impress impressive impressively

repetition repeat repetitive repetitively

transformation transform transformational

translation translate translated

warmth warm warm warmly

enjoyment enjoy enjoyable enjoyably

expression express expressive expressively

inspiration inspire inspirational inspirationally

Exercise 3 on P50

1. expressively 2. darkness 3. translation 4. repeat

5. inspirational 6. anger 7. impressed 8. enjoyably

9. transformed 10. warm

Step3 Translation on page 51

T: Please turn to page 51 and translate some sentences into English, using the word and phrases in bracket. This part is a consolidation of the grammar item in this unit. You should pay more attention to the sentence structure. Are you clear?

S: Yes.

For the exercise, teacher can ask some of them to go to the blackboard to write down their translations. And then check them with the whole class. If there are some problems, teacher can ask the students to discuss and give them some suggestions to solve them.

Suggested answers:

1. 如果我们的糖没有用完, 我是不会去商店的。(run out of )

If we hadn’t run out of sugar, I wouldn’t have gone to the shops.

2. 如果刘思嘉没有考上大学, 她就不用离别父母搬到千里以外的地方去了。(thousands of)

If Liu Sijia hadn’t gone to university, she wouldn’t have moved to thousands of kilometres away from her parents.

3. 他会为你准备一杯由果汁、酸奶和鸡蛋制成的特殊饮料。(be made up of)

He’ll prepare for you a special drink that is made up of fresh fruit juice, yoghurt and eggs.

4. 如果你当时留心看着她,你就不会在人群中把她弄丢了。(keep an eye on)

If you had kept your eye on her, you wouldn’t have lost her in the crowd.

5. 如果你放松一段时间,你就会康复得更快一些。 (take it easy)

You ‘ll get better more quickly if you take it easy for a while.

6. 如果埃米莉没有逗那只猫,它就不会打翻那个漂亮的花瓶了。(tease; knock over)

If Emily hadn’t teased that cat, it would not have knocked over that beautiful vase.

Step4 Summary

T:Today we have done a lot. We have finished using words and expressions and done some translations. We have also reviewed what we have learned in this unit. Now let’s fill in the chart on Page 16. Think about what you have read and practised in this unit. Then tick the boxes.


Think about what you have read and practised in this unit. Then tick the boxes.

I have learned I need to

this well learn more

I have learned about :

some simple types of poetry ;

rhythm and thyme;

some new words and phrased;

how to write some simple poetry;

how to use the subjunctive mood;

how to talk about intentions and plans;

Step5 Project ( on Page 54)

Teacher can ask the students to find their favourite English poem or a translation of their favourite Chinese poem. Get them to read it or write it on a poster and put it on the wall for the rest of the class to share.

Here is a sample for them to refer to :







1) In the Still of the Night(徐忠杰译)

I descry bright moonlig ht in front of my bed.

I suspect it to be hoary frost on the floor.

I watch the bright moon, as I tilt back my head.

I yearn, while stooping, for my homeland more

2) A Tranquil Night (许渊冲译 )

Abed, I see a silver light,

I wonder if it's frost aground.

Looking up, I find the moon bright;

Bowing, in homesickness I'm drowned.

T: As we know , the lyrics of many songs are good poems . Can you tell me what is your favourite song at the moment?

S: Various answers.

T: Different students have different answers. Now I will introduce my favourite song Seasons in the sun to you. Please listen carefully and try to write out the words. Do you understand?

S: Yes.

After enjoying the song, teacher can show the words for them.

Seasons In The Sun

----by Westlife

Goodbye to you, my trusted friend,

we've known each other since we were nine or ten;

together we've climbed hills and trees,

learned of love and A-B-C`s,

skinned our hearts and skinned our knees.

Goodbye my friend, it's hard to die,

when all the birds are singing in the sky;

now that the spring is in the air,

pretty girls are every where;

think of me and I'll be there.

We had joy, we had fun,

we had seasons in the sun;

but the hills that we climb

were just seasons out of time.

Goodbye, Papa, please pray for me,

I was the black sheep of the family;

you tried to teach me right from wrong,

too much wine and too much song,

wonder how I got along.

Goodbye, Papa, it's hard to die,

when all the birds are singing in the sky;

now that the spring is in the air,

little children every where,

when you'll see them, I'll be there.

We had joy, we had fun,

we had seasons in the sun;

but the wild and the song,

like the season has all gone

Goodbye, Michelle, my little one,

you gave me love and helped me find the sun;

and every time that I was down,

you would always come around

and get my feet back on the ground.

Goodbye, Michelle, it's hard to die,

when all the birds are singing in the sky;

now that the spring is in the air,

with the flowers every where

I wish that we could both be there.

All our lives we had fun,

we had seasons in the sun;

But the stars we could reach

were just starfish on the beach.


我们从孩提时就已相识,相知, 我们一起爬山,爬树



再见了朋友,我实在不愿意离去 当所有的鸟儿在天空歌唱. 空气中弥漫着春天的气息. 到处是漂亮的女孩.想我了,我就会与你同在。










再见了爸爸,我实在不愿意离去.当所有的鸟儿在天空歌唱. 空气中弥漫着春天的气息.小孩子在到处嬉戏. 当你看见他们,我就会与你同在.

我们曾共享快乐,也曾共享阳光季节. 但昔日的歌酒狂欢, 犹如季节更迭已消逝。


























Step6 Check yourself

This is a chance for students to collect knowledge they have learned in the unit. Teacher can leave them some time to finish the questions in the chart. Doing this task can improve students ability of teaching by oneself. If they like they can have a discussion in pairs, teacher can walk among them and give them some help.

Step7 Homework

T: The homework today is to preview the next unit; get familiar with the new words and expressions. OK, class is over. See you later.

S: See you.



1、 本单元的中心话题是诗歌,由于诗歌包含的内容丰富,所以每节课的设计都应有所侧重,注意掌控课堂教学节奏,不要面面俱到。

2、 由于学生平日较少接触英语诗歌,因此鼓励学生进行课文预习的学习策略,对英语诗歌有个大概的了解,但不主张将所有新单词的意思标注出来,这会削弱阅读训练的作用。

3、 课堂教学的活动设计应有梯度,任务设计要符合学生的实际水平,难易要适中。考虑到诗歌易于朗诵等特点,可增加互动性的教学内容,但应避免流于形式,使课堂既“热闹”又有实效。

4、 在实现教学任务的过程中,老师应加强对学生的引导,比如可进行示范性的诗歌朗诵,引导学生主动参与到互动性的教学活动中来,让学生在轻松的氛围中完成学习任务,体味到诗歌独特的韵味,享受课堂内成功的喜悦。

5、 对学生的课堂表现应于正面鼓励为主,引导学生相互交流和评价,与学生形成互学共进的良好教学环境。







Bring in 引入;增加 hand in hand 并进;联合

Try out 试验 think up 想出

At the last moment 在最后一刻 get rid of 处理;去掉

Break up分解;腐蚀 break down出毛病;不运转;分解

At one time(以前)有过一段时期

A mountain of/mountains of (一)大堆;大量的

Shut down (放下)关上;关闭(企业等)


(1)Since production in creases,the price can be reduced.

(2)Also present will be a person who thinks up an idea for an advertise


(3)There have been major changes in advertising in the past si-ty years.

(4)No matter how much you want to bathe(in the sea),it just isn’t safe.

(5)I suppose it is better to be safe than sick.

(6)It will be many years before the chemicals start to escape from the containers.





1.I think it would be a good idea to(do sth.)


A:I’m afraid I’m putting on weight.

B:I think it would be a good idea to keep on doing moning e-ercises.

2.Do you think so?


Think等及It appear…,It seems和I’m afraid连用。

“Will they go to see him?”

“I believe so.(I believe[that]they will go to see him.)”

②表示否定时,用not代替so,但在believe,suppose,think等动词之后,如I don’t think(believe,suppose)so等,通常仍可与so连用。


I doubt about it.(√)

I doubt so.(×)

3.agree with同意……,(气候,食物等)适合于某人;和……相一致(常用于否定句)。

The climate here doesn’t agree with me.

Agree to …赞成……

Agree on 就……取得一致意见或看法

4.persuade sb.to do sth.


Persuade sb.into doing sth.


Try to persuade sb.to do sth.

Advise sb.to do sth

①We try to persuade him to stop smoking,but he still smokes now.

②He persuaded me into lending him all my savings.

N.Persuade sb.out of 说明(人)停止,劝阻


His parents persuaded him out of his foolish action.

5.e-press one’s satisfaction with对……表示满意

Be satisfied with对……感到满意

The officials e-pressed their satisfaction with the preparation for the e-hibition.

6.at the top of在……的顶部,上方

At the top of a mountain在山顶

She is (at)the top of her class in French.

At the top of one’s voice高声地,尖声地

7.bring in 把……拿进来;收获;赚入……;获利

They bring in one million dollars a year from their new company.

8.carry out 搬出;进行

①Would you please carry the chairs out?

②The plan should be carried out at once.

9.ask for 要求,请求

Ask sb.for sth.向(某人)请求 (要求)……

She asked for some advice on how to learn English well.

10.It is a waste of time/money to do sth.干……浪费时间(钱)

It’s a waste of time to fi- this watch.

11.instead of,prep.代替……,而不是

I don’t like beer;Please give me cola instead.

12.would say总是会说……

Would有过去、常常……之意,但它与used to 的用法不相同的。

①表示过去持续的状态或感情总是used to 而不是would。因此,would不与表示状态的动词连用。

There used to be a hospital/here.(√)


There would be…(×)

②used to 和would都可以表示过去规则的行为,但通常would是在过去不大规则的行为时,或主语的关心、感慨等主观因素较强时使用,而used to 则在客观地陈述相当期间的规则行为时使用。

“I’ll leave this job for a better one”,he would say when he was scolded by his boss.

③“would”常与“often,sometimes,for hours”等表示时间的副词(短语)连用。

④与现在或将来比较而表示“以前经常……”的意思时,用used to。

He will not have the money to spend on books as he used to.

13.think up 想出,想起(办法等)

The students try to think up an idea to play football without being seen.

Think over熟虑;think out 想出,想透(问题等)

Think of考虑,认为,想起think about 考虑,想出

Think aloud自言自语

14.in the past si-ty years在过去的60年里(常与现在完成时连用)

great changes have taken place in the past few years.

15.start with 以……开始

Today’s class starts with a question.

16.at the last moment在最后关头

At the moment 此刻;正在那时 for a moment片刻;一会儿for the moment 目前,暂时in a moment立刻,马上

17.point out 指出(to+n.)

The teacher pointed out my mistakes to me.



He quietly pointed his gun at the deer.

18.be crowded with 挤满……

Crowded 还可作adj.

The bus was crowded with people.

A crowded train(street)

(交通拥挤是heavy[busy]traffic,不能说crowded traffic)

19.admire sb.for…佩服某人的……

We admire him for the boy’s courage.

Be shocked

20. be astonished at sth.(to do,从句)

Be surprised



Search for:look for寻找

The police searched the room for the thief.

22.remind sb.+than-clause.使人想起(某事),提醒

remind sb.to do sth.使(某人)想起做(某事);提醒某人做(某事)

I reminded him to work hard.

23.It looks as if…看起来好象……

It seems as if…似乎……It seems that…It appears as if/that…

It looks as if it’s going to snow.

24.no matter how 无论怎样……引导让步状语从句。

类似的no matter who,no matter what,no matter when,no matter where…ect.

No matter what he says,I won’t believe him.

25.suppose+that-clause 以为,假如

Suppose vt.以为,猜想,假定

Suppose sb.+(to be)+adj./n


①I supposed that she was an English teacher.

②All the students supposed him to be the headmaster.

26.not+adj./adv.+enough+不定式 不够……,(以致)不能……

大体相当于 too…to …

He is not old enough to go to school.

(=He is too young to go to school.)

27.deal with 对付,处理(常与疑问代词how连用)

do with处理(常与疑问副词what)

She knows well how to deal with her parents.

28.get rid of 除去,除掉,摆脱(疾病等麻烦事物)

How can I get rid of the pain in the chest?

29.break up驱散;分散,破坏(关系)

Break down毁坏;分体;故障

The police used teargas to break up the demonstration.

30.against the law违反法律

Be against反对,违反

Be for赞成,支持

Abraham Lincoln was strongly against slavery.

31.at the bottom of 在……底部,下端

At the bottom of a hill在山脚下

She is always at the bottom of the class.

32.at one time 往昔;曾有一时

At one time there wer not so many cars on the streets.

33.set up建立,设立,创设

A new government was set up after the civilwar.

34.fight against(with)与……战斗

Fight for 为……战

Fight against与……搏斗

35.seek to 尝试,试图


Seek for(after)+n.找寻


We must seek (for)a solution to the problem.

36.be active in在……方面很积极

Take an active part in积极参加

①He was active in helping others.

②He takes an active part in all kinds of sports.

37.multiply A by B A乘以4。

mulitiply 3 by 4.3乘以4。

4 multiplied by 2 is 8.

38.take out去除(污点等)(本课的用法)


my parents are taking me out to a show tonight.

You will have to have the tooth taken out.

39.shut down关闭……;停止营业

①This factory has shut down.

②Shut down the window.

Shut off 关掉

40.be disappointed with(at,about)对……失望

I was disappinted at (in,with)the result.

Be disappointed to do做……而感到失望

His uncle was disappointed to hear the news.